Re-hashing to Release

Happy Full Moon!

Ok, no matter what your response to that greeting is (maybe you rolled your eyes, or maybe you chuckled because you know that full moon energy somehow gets people stirred up....or maybe you exclaimed at your screen "yeah! can't wait to charge my crystals tonight!"...or maybe you're resenting the full-moon energy that your already rambunctious kids have clearly been feeling...) I do hope that you'll at least consider using it as a time to simply do something nice for yourself, something that feels nurturing, or grounding, or just exactly what you need at the moment without the need to explain why.  I feel like we can all use more reasons to celebrate and let things feel special.  Personally, I like to meditate, sometimes do a little releasing ceremony, burn something...I might try to make some moon water this time around.  

So, it's been awhile since you've heard from me!  Where did I go? (did you even notice?  I'm not offended if you didn't).  I took a break from doing things like writing newsletters, posting very much about my work online, etc.  This year has been quite an interesting upheaval of past traumas that I got another chance to face and release, and it all culminated this Summer.  It took a LOT of energy and brought up a LOT of fear, anger, resentment, disappointment, betrayal that I had been carrying around all this time. was heavy.  So I decided to Put.  That.  Shit.  Down!

During this time, I was re-experiencing so many parts from, really, my entire life, where I didn't have choice in the past.  And then I technically had the choice, but didn't feel like I did for fear of letting certain family members down.  And then, after a ton of turmoil, I had this amazing realization.  You ready for it?  I actually did...I do...have choice.  I had to make a hard choice.  And the steps to following through with that choice were fucking brutal.  And all along the way, I heard a voice that told me "don't back down".  Ironically, it was the voice of my dad, who was actually the one who (in his human form) taught me that family comes first no matter what (even no matter how it affects your own wellbeing - although not stated in those words).  He was the one who I stood by this family member for.  And now, in his more expansive form of consciousness, he's been supporting me from a place of wisdom and expansion instead of fear, guilt and restriction.  

I know I've left many details to the imagination, but if this feels like something that is familiar and you want to hear more, please reply and let me know.  If it would benefit the collective, I'll gladly share more.  Otherwise, I'll just leave it as is.

I've seen some posts and emails from beloved Astrologers in the last 24 hours that talk about this Full Moon in Aries and the theme of how "keeping the peace" at one time may have felt like a form of compassion or self-care...and is now keeping us small and causing us extended suffering.  I invite you to ask yourself what this brings up for you in your own life and where you feel like you are, pertaining to this, along your journey.

With excitement for a new season,



Moving Forward


April brings hope and emergence.